Training Outcomes

  • Become aware of your own stereotypes and biases
  • Recognize and move biases from our unconscious to our conscious
  • Identify how bias affects attitudes, actions and performance
  • Learn to have inclusive dialogues and face bias with courage
  • Understand the types of biases and their effect on behavior and decision making
  • Make more conscious decisions and thereby reducing the impact of implicit biases
  • Engage in slow thinking to improve decisions
  • Put in place other strategies to avoid unconscious bias
  • Enhance diversity in your workplace by reducing unconscious bias.

Module One: Background of Implicit Bias

  • Introduction
  • Part 1: The Foundation: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Part 2: Unpacking Implicit Bias
  • Part 3: The reign of Implicit Bias in our Society
  • Part 4: The Origination of our Implicit Biases
  • Review and Reflection
  • Checkpoint and Action Planning

Module Two: Implicit Bias and Our World

  • Introduction
  • Part 1: Implicit Bias and Systemic Racism
  • Part 2: Implicit Bias and Organizational Structures
  • Part 3: A look at the Data Points
  • Part 4: Interactive Case Study
  • Review and Reflection
  • Checkpoint and Action Planning

Module Three: Implicit Bias and Our Own Biases

  • Introduction
  • Part 1: Implicit Bias and Assessing our own Biases
  • Part 2: The Manifestation of Implicit Bias -Microaggressions
  • Part 3: Interactive Case Study
  • Review and Reflection
  • Checkpoint and Action Planning

Module Four: Mitigating Implicit Bias Introduction

  • Introduction
  • Part 1: Implicit Bias and The Brain
  • Part 2: Mitigation Strategies-Individual and Organization
  • Part 3: Interactive Case Study
  • Review and Reflection
  • Checkpoint and Action Planning